La Perla Azzurra - Tannery Visit - Italy

During a trip to Italy in October, I had the chance to visit my favorite tannery - La Perla Azzurra. After meeting the incredibly kind and hilarious Paolo, he showed my girlfriend and I around the tannery and took the time to explain all of the processes involved in producing their magnificent vegetable tanned leathers. 

In short, natural ingredients are used at every stage of the tanning process, most notably bark extracts. The tanned leather is then re-hydrated with animal fats and tallow after it is dyed using natural colorings. This process allows all of the natural beauty and character of the skin to remain and promotes wonderful aging of the leather.

As a member of the Genuine Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium, this tannery, its leather, and methods are held to the highest of standards. These standards apply to the leather produced, the manner in which it is produced, and extends even to the business practices of the tannery. A complete explanation of the Consortium as well as the standards and practices of the partner tanneries can be viewed HERE.

Paolo generously took the time to explain the differences between their various tannages, what leathers would be most suitable for watch straps, and then he loaded me up with samples. I am very excited to incorporate more of their leathers into my strap lineup. I already offer La Perla Azzurra’s Camo leathers, but I am aware that Camo is not for everyone. I have some nice earth tone leathers on the way and look forward to crafting straps with more of these amazing leathers.

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